TACO TUESDAY=$2 tacos all day 🌮

Buy | Sell | Trade Buyer

Buy Sell Trade 

  • Check appointment at beginning of and throughout the day, be familiar with our scheduling software and how to make adjustments
  • Check phone voicemail and return calls if questioning about BST process
  • Contact clients if any scheduling conflicts arise
  • Explain process thoroughly to each seller, make sure they are aware of the full payout scale and our trade option
  • Be familiar with Venmo, cash, and gift card procedures 
  • Sometimes we offer a special for a higher cash payout, be aware of our marketing specials
  • Continue to educate yourself on what sells best in our stores and current trends
  • Maintain buying seasonally appropriate items 
  • Familiarize yourself with our policies and where to direct clients to look over it if necessary
  • Be firm with the timing allotted for each appointment to maintain a prompt schedule. Instruct a client to book another appointment if they have more items than our maximum to sort through


  • Be clear on the COG for each item bought to have accurate pricing and price as you go
  • Require assistance of Inventory Manager to price and store inventory in an organized manner
  • Specify “As Is” or make note of any glaring flaws


  • Transport BST stock to each location as necessary to maintain full BST racks
  • Merchandise and adjust existing racks during restock to keep tidy and presentable

General Cleaning

  • Always keep BST counter looking organized when not sorting, this area is visible to customers
  • Keep inventory behind the counter organized, take excess to back to be process if necessary
  • Keep food and drink away from the top of the counter and inventory
  • Clean space at the end of the day, empty trash, ensure all inventory is organized and put away and that the counter is clear

Must be eligible work within the United States


We're Also Hiring @ Garage Sale!

  • Buy | Sell | Trade Buyer

    Buy Sell Trade  Check appointment at beginning of and throughout the day, be familiar with our scheduling software and how to make adjustments Check phone voicemail and return calls if questioning about BST process Contact clients if any scheduling conflicts...